Saturday, June 27, 2009


Last Wednesday, five of us from the Winton Historical Society met in the CLEO office to fold, tape, stamp and get the latest newsletter ready to mail. It's kind of a gab-session and also fun.
After we were finished, we went to the Jantz Cafe and had a delicious lunch with free pie! We were stuffed and took half of our sandwiches home to boot!
I thought I would take a break from the newsletter and recipe collecting and not think about them for a while. HA.
Two chances of that happening: Fat and Slim.
As soon as a thought popped into my head about a story, I was all excited about the next newsletter and couldn't wait to contact people to get information.
Guess that's why I never get much done around here, I'm always playing.

Here is a picture of part of the "Ellen's Blue" Butterfly Bush. It's planted by the house on the South side, I'm not sure if that is going to be too hot for it. The temperature is rising, supposed to be over 100 the next several days, so I guess I will soon find out if Ellen's Blue can take it.
One good-sized limb broke off the apricot tree last week. The tree was planted on February 14, 1996, so maybe some of them are getting a little old. And then maybe I should have thinned them a little better. (Read a whole LOT better!)
But it's hard to get much done when you have recipes and newsletters on the brain.
Some of you haven't sent in your recipes yet. Yes, you know who you are. You don't really need a personal invitation. If you live in Winton, or used to live in Winton, we want a favorite recipe from you. And maybe more.

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