Monday, November 28, 2011

Mariposa November 28

Jack drove his brother and Carole and I to Mariposa today. It's been kind of foggy here so we didn't leave until 11 a.m. Jack had a load of almond firewood for Jerry, so we decided to have a picnic lunch and talk about the "good old days" growing up on Fruitland Avenue. In the first picture is Jerry in the backyard. The yellow grape leaves were very pretty.
In the next picture is Jack and Donna. Donna is Jim Hawksworth's widow. Alice Hawksworth (Jerry's mother) died last month; she was 96 years old. So now Jerry lives by himself. Donna lives about 10 miles away.
In the above picture is Donna and Carole. The mountain scenery is beautiful. Carole told Jerry that he had a nice place. Jerry said, "oh, I don't know; I'm just a dog in the pasture."

This last picture shows Jerry and Bob, Jack's brother.
Jerry and Carole were in the same class in grammar school. He has a great memory. He reminded Carole of the nickname she had in school that she completely forgot about.
It wasn't foggy in Mariposa; that is smoke you see from the fire pit. It was a nice day. It started to get a little chilly about the time we left for home, about 3:30.
It was fun. Carole and I enjoyed it.

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