Christmas will soon be here. Seems like we just had Thanksgiving.
I don't do Christmas shopping for anyone, so that takes a lot of pressure off. I send them a small check and they have to do their own shopping. They don't seem to mind, thank goodness. I hate to waste money, so never liked to buy for someone else. It's fun to buy toys for small kids, but after that, ugg. I never know what to get.
I enjoy shopping on Black Friday, but only for myself. It's a good time to get bargains.
Christmas Eve, I'll be going to the candle light service at the Atwater Methodist Church. We were told this morning to bring a friend. Oh Boy. Who to ask? Everybody I know already has a church. Anybody want to volunteer to be my guest?
Next month, I have 7 appointments, before, during and after I have my Cataract removed. I didn't know it took so many appointments to have that done. This Cataract in my right eye has been slowly growing for a long time. My appointment in early December really shocked me!! I couldn't read one single letter on the chart with my right eye. Soooo Blurry!! I don't know how it got so bad so quickly. Maybe high blood sugar has something to do with it? I'll be glad to get this over with.
In January I want to get two new bare root fruit trees. One Stella Cherry to replace the one that died and a standard "O Henry" peach tree. I had no fresh fruit in August last year. The Fantasia Nectarine was ripe in July and the peaches were also gone by August. O Henry ripens in August. So, that's the plan for this year. I'll have to have the "SunCrest" semi-dwarf peach tree removed to make room for O Henry. But that's o.k. Flavorcrest is still my favorite peach.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Fall is Here
The Winton Old Timers reunion has come and gone. We had a total of 200 attend this year. Down from prior years, but still everyone seemed to enjoy it.
Pictured above are the 90+ guests; from the left: Gene Hill, Clifford Jantz, Edna Jantz, Curtis Jantz (Edna's husband), Wilma Arnold, Leona Eason and Elsie Koehn.
Leona is 102 this year and was again the oldest one in attendance. She is doing great!
I got a chance to take a few pictures, but still I missed some people I would have liked to have a picture of. A few people came late.
I finally got the September/October newsletter printed. We have one long story in it this time.
Maybe our members will decide to send in their memories now. They can see that we're having a hard time filling the pages. The long story is interesting to me and I hope to a lot of others. If not, I'll probably hear about it.
Two weeks ago I traded in my 2001 red Dodge Stratus for a 2013 Toyota Prius. I really like the way the new car drives. It gets good gas mileage, today when I got home from church it said I got 58+ miles per gallon. I guess that 10.4 gallon tank full of gas will last a long time. Especially when I just drive around Atwater. Then it runs off the large battery a lot. The large battery is under warranty for ten years. The rest of the car for 2 years.
Tomorrow my sister and I have appointments in Turlock. We go every month so our reflexologist can keep our blood flowing!! lol
The Atwater United Methodist Church had an Estate Sale in Ballico a couple of weeks ago. It was out in the country, so didn't get as much traffic as we usually do, but we did o.k. It was fun. Another lady and I were the cashiers and when we weren't busy, we did a lot of visiting. The time went fast and we had a very enjoyable time.
Pictured above are the 90+ guests; from the left: Gene Hill, Clifford Jantz, Edna Jantz, Curtis Jantz (Edna's husband), Wilma Arnold, Leona Eason and Elsie Koehn.
Leona is 102 this year and was again the oldest one in attendance. She is doing great!
I got a chance to take a few pictures, but still I missed some people I would have liked to have a picture of. A few people came late.
I finally got the September/October newsletter printed. We have one long story in it this time.
Maybe our members will decide to send in their memories now. They can see that we're having a hard time filling the pages. The long story is interesting to me and I hope to a lot of others. If not, I'll probably hear about it.
Two weeks ago I traded in my 2001 red Dodge Stratus for a 2013 Toyota Prius. I really like the way the new car drives. It gets good gas mileage, today when I got home from church it said I got 58+ miles per gallon. I guess that 10.4 gallon tank full of gas will last a long time. Especially when I just drive around Atwater. Then it runs off the large battery a lot. The large battery is under warranty for ten years. The rest of the car for 2 years.
Tomorrow my sister and I have appointments in Turlock. We go every month so our reflexologist can keep our blood flowing!! lol
The Atwater United Methodist Church had an Estate Sale in Ballico a couple of weeks ago. It was out in the country, so didn't get as much traffic as we usually do, but we did o.k. It was fun. Another lady and I were the cashiers and when we weren't busy, we did a lot of visiting. The time went fast and we had a very enjoyable time.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Don't Forget -- Winton Old Timers Sept 29
The above picture was taken last year at the Winton Old Timers luncheon by Norm Giesbrecht. He will be at the Old Timers again this year to take pictures for us. We're very happy that he is willing to do this every year.
You can see the Winton Old Timers pictures from prior years here.
We had our last committee meeting on Tuesday and decided to sell the last of the souvenir mugs for $3.00 each or two for $5.00. Less than half the original price. There's a picture of the Winton Depot on the mugs.
Other information about the Winton Old Timers is the same as the September 8 post. Try to attend and visit with friends you haven't seen in a while.
1,600 photos from the Winton Cemetery District can be seen at flickr. Click on sets to search for a last name.
You can see the Winton Old Timers pictures from prior years here.
We had our last committee meeting on Tuesday and decided to sell the last of the souvenir mugs for $3.00 each or two for $5.00. Less than half the original price. There's a picture of the Winton Depot on the mugs.
Other information about the Winton Old Timers is the same as the September 8 post. Try to attend and visit with friends you haven't seen in a while.
1,600 photos from the Winton Cemetery District can be seen at flickr. Click on sets to search for a last name.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
New Bible Study series starting
(CORRECTION: We didn't get started last week, so this Thursday Sept. 24 is our first lesson in this book.)
A week from today, September 19th, the Thursday morning Bible Study group will began a new study with Adam Hamilton's book, "Why?" "Making Sense of God's Will." We have the video to go with it. Other topics will be, "Why Do the Innocent Suffer?" "Why Do My Prayers Go Unanswered?" "Why Can't I See God's Will for My Life?" and others.
Adam Hamilton has written many books, two of them are in the Atwater Branch Library.
"Why" and about 10 other Adam Hamilton's books were donated to the library 18 months ago, but have not been processed yet. Request it from the Atwater Branch Library if you want to borrow it and maybe the Merced library will get it processed and on the shelf.
Adam Hamilton is the senior pastor of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, one of the fastest growing, most highly visible churches in the country. The Church Report named Hamilton's congregation the most influential mainline church in America, and he preached at the National Prayer Service as part of the presidential inauguration festivities in 2013. Hamilton is the best-selling and award-winning author of The Journey, The Way, 24 Hours that Changed the World, Enough, When Christians Get it Wrong, and Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White, all published by Abingdon Press. His books are available online at Amazon and Cokesbury and bookstores everywhere.
Bible Study starts at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room in the Atwater United Methodist Church, corner of Linden and Bellevue. Call the church office between 9-12 M-F 358-6172 to see if the books are still available there. ($8.00) You are welcome to attend Bible Study here even if you are not attending the Methodist Church. We are a small friendly group. We would be happy to expand.
A week from today, September 19th, the Thursday morning Bible Study group will began a new study with Adam Hamilton's book, "Why?" "Making Sense of God's Will." We have the video to go with it. Other topics will be, "Why Do the Innocent Suffer?" "Why Do My Prayers Go Unanswered?" "Why Can't I See God's Will for My Life?" and others.
Adam Hamilton has written many books, two of them are in the Atwater Branch Library.
"Why" and about 10 other Adam Hamilton's books were donated to the library 18 months ago, but have not been processed yet. Request it from the Atwater Branch Library if you want to borrow it and maybe the Merced library will get it processed and on the shelf.
Adam Hamilton is the senior pastor of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, one of the fastest growing, most highly visible churches in the country. The Church Report named Hamilton's congregation the most influential mainline church in America, and he preached at the National Prayer Service as part of the presidential inauguration festivities in 2013. Hamilton is the best-selling and award-winning author of The Journey, The Way, 24 Hours that Changed the World, Enough, When Christians Get it Wrong, and Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White, all published by Abingdon Press. His books are available online at Amazon and Cokesbury and bookstores everywhere.
Bible Study starts at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room in the Atwater United Methodist Church, corner of Linden and Bellevue. Call the church office between 9-12 M-F 358-6172 to see if the books are still available there. ($8.00) You are welcome to attend Bible Study here even if you are not attending the Methodist Church. We are a small friendly group. We would be happy to expand.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Winton Old Timers -- September 29
The Winton Old Timers Reunion is right around the corner. The committee will have one last meeting to finalize the many details.
It's always the last Sunday in September. Please put this on your calendar and try to attend. No reservations are taken, pay for your meal ticket at the door.
I know of one cousin who will be there from Canada and who knows who else will show up? We never know who will surprise us with their presence.
Most of the people come early; arriving at 10:00 a.m. to have more time to visit with friends and relatives they haven't seen in a long time. Others come after church services. Coffee and snacks will be available before lunch is served at 1:00 p.m.
Pictures of the Old Timers from prior years will be shown on the overhead screen. My cousin Norm will be there again to take pictures of this year's attendees.
Members from the Winton Historical Society will be at a table to take your dues for the October 1, 2013 thru Sept 30, 2014 time period. Dues are $10.00 per year which includes 6 newsletters mailed out every other month. It includes historical facts; stories from people who live in Winton or used to live here. The stories are from the past years of the Winton you used to know.
Back issues of the past year Winton Hometown News will be available for $1.00 each. Older copies will be free. Not all are still available, but for $5.00 you can have all 44 issues of the newsletter on CD in the PDF format. This is very handy because you can do a name or word search with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded from the Internet if you don't already have it.
Do you need a copy of the Winton Centennial Recipe Book? Available for $15.00. Souvenior mugs with a picture of the Winton Depot are now only $4.00 each.
Rosalie and I decided to sell the rest of the "Memories of Winton 1911-1950" history books for $25.00 each. Original price was $35.00, so here's your chance to buy extra books as gifts for children, grandchildren or friends. Christmas will be here in a few short months.
It's always the last Sunday in September. Please put this on your calendar and try to attend. No reservations are taken, pay for your meal ticket at the door.
I know of one cousin who will be there from Canada and who knows who else will show up? We never know who will surprise us with their presence.
Most of the people come early; arriving at 10:00 a.m. to have more time to visit with friends and relatives they haven't seen in a long time. Others come after church services. Coffee and snacks will be available before lunch is served at 1:00 p.m.
Pictures of the Old Timers from prior years will be shown on the overhead screen. My cousin Norm will be there again to take pictures of this year's attendees.
Members from the Winton Historical Society will be at a table to take your dues for the October 1, 2013 thru Sept 30, 2014 time period. Dues are $10.00 per year which includes 6 newsletters mailed out every other month. It includes historical facts; stories from people who live in Winton or used to live here. The stories are from the past years of the Winton you used to know.
Back issues of the past year Winton Hometown News will be available for $1.00 each. Older copies will be free. Not all are still available, but for $5.00 you can have all 44 issues of the newsletter on CD in the PDF format. This is very handy because you can do a name or word search with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded from the Internet if you don't already have it.
Do you need a copy of the Winton Centennial Recipe Book? Available for $15.00. Souvenior mugs with a picture of the Winton Depot are now only $4.00 each.
Rosalie and I decided to sell the rest of the "Memories of Winton 1911-1950" history books for $25.00 each. Original price was $35.00, so here's your chance to buy extra books as gifts for children, grandchildren or friends. Christmas will be here in a few short months.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Winton Cemetery at Find A Grave
There are quite a few memorials set up at Find A Grave created by different contributors. At first I thought that Find A Grave was too cumbersome and hard to find the names you're looking for. I finally learned my way around the website a little better. When looking for a particular cemetery in Merced County, here is the link to use:
Or if looking for someone buried at the Winton Cemetery I like this link. I just type in the surname and see what all comes up.
Sometimes the memorials are connected to other family members whether buried in the same cemetery or not. On my mother's side the links go from Winton to Kansas and on my dad's from Winton to Willows, CA. It's interesting to see what is out there.
If you want to create a memorial or let a contributor know of a mistake or additional information, you must first sign up with Find A Grave. If wanting to create a memorial, you must check to be sure there is not already one there for that person. They don't like duplicates and they don't want memorials set up for people who are still alive. I've seen that just so they could connect them to the in-law family.
After you are signed up and have a contributor name and number, if you see a memorial for your direct line, i.e. parents, grandparents, great-grandparents or siblings, you can request a transfer to you from the one who is managing it. Assuming you are closer related to that person than the "manager" is.
They must transfer within 30 days if you are closer related than they are.
I put up a memorial for my husband 5 years ago and then did nothing else until just recently. I have been taking pictures of the tombstones at the Winton Cemetery and posted them to flickr under the name of Winton Historical Society. If you see a relative's tombstone picture there, you are welcome to use it. If you plan to use several at Find A Grave, please ask permission first. But if you are just using them for your own personal use, then you're welcome to use them.
Also, if I have created a memorial for a relative of yours and you want me to transfer it to you, don't hesitate to ask. You can leave a message at Find A Grave or here if you are just giving information and don't want to sign up.
Or if looking for someone buried at the Winton Cemetery I like this link. I just type in the surname and see what all comes up.
Sometimes the memorials are connected to other family members whether buried in the same cemetery or not. On my mother's side the links go from Winton to Kansas and on my dad's from Winton to Willows, CA. It's interesting to see what is out there.
If you want to create a memorial or let a contributor know of a mistake or additional information, you must first sign up with Find A Grave. If wanting to create a memorial, you must check to be sure there is not already one there for that person. They don't like duplicates and they don't want memorials set up for people who are still alive. I've seen that just so they could connect them to the in-law family.
After you are signed up and have a contributor name and number, if you see a memorial for your direct line, i.e. parents, grandparents, great-grandparents or siblings, you can request a transfer to you from the one who is managing it. Assuming you are closer related to that person than the "manager" is.
They must transfer within 30 days if you are closer related than they are.
I put up a memorial for my husband 5 years ago and then did nothing else until just recently. I have been taking pictures of the tombstones at the Winton Cemetery and posted them to flickr under the name of Winton Historical Society. If you see a relative's tombstone picture there, you are welcome to use it. If you plan to use several at Find A Grave, please ask permission first. But if you are just using them for your own personal use, then you're welcome to use them.
Also, if I have created a memorial for a relative of yours and you want me to transfer it to you, don't hesitate to ask. You can leave a message at Find A Grave or here if you are just giving information and don't want to sign up.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Atwater Group at 42nd Street Play
On Sunday August 11, a group of us carpooled to Modesto to see the play, "42nd Street" at the Modesto Performing Arts building.
We had a special interest in this play because Theresa Berry who is our song leader in church had a prominate role in the play. She has an excellent Alto voice, so I thought she would be mostly singing. But no, she had a big acting part to play. Theresa was very good. We all enjoyed it immensely. We left right after church, stopped for lunch and got to Modesto in plenty time for the 2:00 p.m. show. Carole D and I had front row seats, right behind the orchastra pit. We didn't think it was too close at all. We loved it.
I heard that Theresa is going to be in a play in Merced soon, so I think a group from the Atwater Methodist Church will again carpool to see her perform.
Thanks to Junko for the picture. From the left, front row:
Erna, Carole, Lorraine, Dolly and Theresa. Second row: Pastor Gregory, Perry, Junko, Connie, Caryl and Juanita. Way in the back facing us is Bill.
It was great fun!!
Coming up in Modesto is "Babes In Toyland" beginning on November 30, two performances on Saturday and one matinee on Sunday December first. Good show for the upcoming holidays.
We had a special interest in this play because Theresa Berry who is our song leader in church had a prominate role in the play. She has an excellent Alto voice, so I thought she would be mostly singing. But no, she had a big acting part to play. Theresa was very good. We all enjoyed it immensely. We left right after church, stopped for lunch and got to Modesto in plenty time for the 2:00 p.m. show. Carole D and I had front row seats, right behind the orchastra pit. We didn't think it was too close at all. We loved it.
I heard that Theresa is going to be in a play in Merced soon, so I think a group from the Atwater Methodist Church will again carpool to see her perform.
Thanks to Junko for the picture. From the left, front row:
Erna, Carole, Lorraine, Dolly and Theresa. Second row: Pastor Gregory, Perry, Junko, Connie, Caryl and Juanita. Way in the back facing us is Bill.
It was great fun!!
Coming up in Modesto is "Babes In Toyland" beginning on November 30, two performances on Saturday and one matinee on Sunday December first. Good show for the upcoming holidays.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Sunday, August 4, 2013
The Atwater United Methodist Church got 5 new members today. Jack and Kathryn were two of them. Some of their family came to share in their special day. After the service we all went into the "Fireside Room" and had light refreshments and coffee.
I was invited to go with Jack and Kathryn and family to lunch at Josie's in Atwater. I had a flour Tostada, it was delicious as usual. When we were through with lunch, I took a picture of the ones in our party outside on the red bench.
Nice looking family. Not all were able to be there, but still a nice group.
I enjoyed the day. Thanks for the invite.
I was invited to go with Jack and Kathryn and family to lunch at Josie's in Atwater. I had a flour Tostada, it was delicious as usual. When we were through with lunch, I took a picture of the ones in our party outside on the red bench.
Nice looking family. Not all were able to be there, but still a nice group.
I enjoyed the day. Thanks for the invite.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Eating Out
Yesterday I had lunch at Sizzlers in Merced with a group of ladies from the Methodist Church. Carole D's birthday was the event that inspired the luncheon.
The restaurant gave Carole a big Strawberry Sundae for her birthday treat. She ate the whole thing! Well, o.k., she gave the big strawberry to Maggie.
Today my sisters and I had lunch at the Jantz Cafe in Atwater. We arrived around 11:00 a.m. and just in time, it was already crowded, like every Wednesday. Every Wednesday is free pie day, you get a slice of pie, free of charge with your lunch. We saw our cousin Debbie there. She ran outside after us to take our picture, so I had her take one on my camera. It was 12:30, the sun was directly overhead, so there is much contrast.
I surprised Debbie by taking her picture. She always looks so nice!!!
The restaurant gave Carole a big Strawberry Sundae for her birthday treat. She ate the whole thing! Well, o.k., she gave the big strawberry to Maggie.
Today my sisters and I had lunch at the Jantz Cafe in Atwater. We arrived around 11:00 a.m. and just in time, it was already crowded, like every Wednesday. Every Wednesday is free pie day, you get a slice of pie, free of charge with your lunch. We saw our cousin Debbie there. She ran outside after us to take our picture, so I had her take one on my camera. It was 12:30, the sun was directly overhead, so there is much contrast.
I surprised Debbie by taking her picture. She always looks so nice!!!
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Winton Cemetery
This is one of the roadways at the Winton District Cemetery. It looks so peaceful. I love the large old trees that are growing there.
I've been taking pictures of the tombstones there and uploading them to flickr.
So far there are 1,339 photos online. I am slowly adding more information to the pictures when the information is available to me. Some of the information comes from the California Death Records; it lists the people who died in California between 1940 and 1997.
Usually I have a little more information on the people with a Mennonite surname. That information sometimes comes from the "Grandma" file that the California Mennonite Historical Society has created and maintains. I have their latest CD with 1,250,285 individuals linked to their families. Some ancestors are traced back to the 1500s in Holland.
I also subscribe to their "Grandma" online, where they update the information since the latest CD.
The online file currently has 1,285,498 people who can trace their ancestors back to the Mennonite churches in Russia or Prussia. They don't include the birth dates for the living people online, but the dates are included on the CD.
They started something new last year. If you have pictures at flickr you can tag them with the identification number from the Grandma file. Each person has a unique ID number. Of course they want the OLD historical pictures. Or tombstone pictures. So I have tagged a few individuals with the tombstone picture from the Winton Cemetery at flickr. I just started, so only a few are tagged.
This is an ongoing project of taking more pictures, adding additional information and tagging some of them to the Grandma online file. Fun -- but slow.
I've been taking pictures of the tombstones there and uploading them to flickr.
So far there are 1,339 photos online. I am slowly adding more information to the pictures when the information is available to me. Some of the information comes from the California Death Records; it lists the people who died in California between 1940 and 1997.
Usually I have a little more information on the people with a Mennonite surname. That information sometimes comes from the "Grandma" file that the California Mennonite Historical Society has created and maintains. I have their latest CD with 1,250,285 individuals linked to their families. Some ancestors are traced back to the 1500s in Holland.
I also subscribe to their "Grandma" online, where they update the information since the latest CD.
The online file currently has 1,285,498 people who can trace their ancestors back to the Mennonite churches in Russia or Prussia. They don't include the birth dates for the living people online, but the dates are included on the CD.
They started something new last year. If you have pictures at flickr you can tag them with the identification number from the Grandma file. Each person has a unique ID number. Of course they want the OLD historical pictures. Or tombstone pictures. So I have tagged a few individuals with the tombstone picture from the Winton Cemetery at flickr. I just started, so only a few are tagged.
This is an ongoing project of taking more pictures, adding additional information and tagging some of them to the Grandma online file. Fun -- but slow.
Cherry Trees
This is the Rainier cherry tree. It's doing good, nice growth, good color.
And then there is Stella. For about a month now, it's been looking sick, the leaves are drooping and losing their green color. I didn't know what to do for it. Talked to an expert orchard man and I found out there is nothing I can do. Just replant. He said cherry trees are like that. Guess we were lucky with the cherry trees we had in Merced. Besides the Rainier, I have a Bing that is also doing good. They will pollinate each other. It will be sad to have to remove the Stella tree.
I ordered two new Iris plants this year, I should be getting them soon. They were the closest to red that I found. Need to find the perfect spot for them. My Irises are going dormant, not a pretty sight right now. I'm not going to separate them this year, decided to let them become large plants so they'll have more flowers next spring.
And then there is Stella. For about a month now, it's been looking sick, the leaves are drooping and losing their green color. I didn't know what to do for it. Talked to an expert orchard man and I found out there is nothing I can do. Just replant. He said cherry trees are like that. Guess we were lucky with the cherry trees we had in Merced. Besides the Rainier, I have a Bing that is also doing good. They will pollinate each other. It will be sad to have to remove the Stella tree.
I ordered two new Iris plants this year, I should be getting them soon. They were the closest to red that I found. Need to find the perfect spot for them. My Irises are going dormant, not a pretty sight right now. I'm not going to separate them this year, decided to let them become large plants so they'll have more flowers next spring.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Church and Estate Sale

Tomorrow, Saturday June 1, the Atwater United Methodist Church on the corner of Bellevue and Linden is having a HUGE Estate and Church Sale from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Nice furniture, lots of kitchen items, small appliances, Crystal, Silver, lots of linens, decorating items, Christmas decorations, clothing, etc. Books and music.
The Fellowship Hall is full of items for sale, all priced low to sell quickly.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
The Past 2 Weeks
The past two weeks has been fun. My daughter and her husband arrived on April 28 to spend a couple of weeks here.
Our first short trip was to Chico to visit Mandy and John. Mandy works for Six Degrees Coffee Distributor and John works for the Sierra Nevada Brewery Company.
Here we are having dinner at the brewery after a tour of the plant, led by John.

Many different beer flavors can be sampled at the beginning of the tour. See more pictures here.
The next morning we had breakfast at a restaurant called "Mom's." Mandy and John know all the good places to eat in Chico.
The following Sunday we went to Yosemite for the day. Mandy drove to Atwater to go with us.
We had Sunday Brunch at the Ahwahnee Hotel.

There were lots of delicious foods to choose from, including seafood. The dessert tables were loaded down with delectable sweets. Lots of chocolate and other treats. More pictures are at flickr.
It was a fun day. We all found souvenirs to buy. So nice that Mandy was able to go with us.
Our first short trip was to Chico to visit Mandy and John. Mandy works for Six Degrees Coffee Distributor and John works for the Sierra Nevada Brewery Company.
Here we are having dinner at the brewery after a tour of the plant, led by John.

Many different beer flavors can be sampled at the beginning of the tour. See more pictures here.
The next morning we had breakfast at a restaurant called "Mom's." Mandy and John know all the good places to eat in Chico.
The following Sunday we went to Yosemite for the day. Mandy drove to Atwater to go with us.
We had Sunday Brunch at the Ahwahnee Hotel.
There were lots of delicious foods to choose from, including seafood. The dessert tables were loaded down with delectable sweets. Lots of chocolate and other treats. More pictures are at flickr.
It was a fun day. We all found souvenirs to buy. So nice that Mandy was able to go with us.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Lillian's Birthday
Lillian had her big 8-0 birthday party on Sunday. It was a fun afternoon with many laughs. Some Birthday cards were a hoot.

This beautiful cake was made by her daughter.

The candles are lit on Lillian's cake. Her granddaughter had to help blow them out.

A really cute gift was from Lillian's daughter. She taped 80 one-dollar bills together; rolled them up and put them in a box with a slit cut out on top. The first dollar bill was taped to a ribbon. When Lillian pulled on the ribbon, the dollar bills started coming out.
Clever idea. Happy Birthday Lillian!!

This beautiful cake was made by her daughter.
The candles are lit on Lillian's cake. Her granddaughter had to help blow them out.
A really cute gift was from Lillian's daughter. She taped 80 one-dollar bills together; rolled them up and put them in a box with a slit cut out on top. The first dollar bill was taped to a ribbon. When Lillian pulled on the ribbon, the dollar bills started coming out.
Clever idea. Happy Birthday Lillian!!
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Is It Spring Yet?
Tonight we are going to "spring forward" by setting our clocks one hour ahead. Already. It seems early this year.
The fruit trees are in bloom. Pictured is the Fantasia Nectarine. I guess it's my favorite tree in the backyard.
The Tilton Apricot tree has a few sparse blooms on it, which is much better than last year. Last year it had one or two flowers, but no fruit. I hope to get at least a few apricots this year. There might be some blooms up high in the tree later on. Looks like some might still pop out.
The cherry trees are not blooming yet. They are the last to bloom and first to ripen. Sure hoping for a good crop.

The Thursday morning Bible Study group is studying Adam Hamilton's newest book, "The Way, Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus." Our pastor ordered the video, so that is an added bonus to reading the book. We read one chapter a week. It's interesting and I don't want to miss going and miss out on the video. There are six chapters and we will read chapter 3 this week. So, we will go a little beyond Easter with the book.
But that's O.K.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Ernestine's Birthday

Today Aunt Ernestine is 97 years old. She is doing well and looking good. The above picture was taken yesterday at Ernie and Diane's house. Her son Ernie barbequed hamburgers, Diane made salads and we had a very nice lunch, complete with cake and ice cream for dessert.
Ernie and Diane's son, Brian, wife Diane and daughter Sharon drove down for the occasion from the Bay Area.
The day was warm and we enjoyed eating outside on the patio.
Ernestine's cousin Helen was there. There were 8 of us. We all enjoyed the visit.
Happy Birthday Aunt Ernestine. And Many More!!
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Winton VFW Aux
Today was the Winton VFW Auxiliary's annual brunch. The men serve the champagne and the food. Here is a picture of Judge Brown at our table, serving Joan. Mary on the right.
Many of the women were eligible for service pins. My sister Carolyn as one of the charter members, got her 45 year pin today.

We all bought raffle tickets. Here Carolyn won a four-pack of Bartel and Jaymes wine. She later traded it with her neighbor, Joan for a small tool set. Just perfect for the lady-of-the-house.
The brunch was nice and I got to have some peach champagne.

Many of the women were eligible for service pins. My sister Carolyn as one of the charter members, got her 45 year pin today.
We all bought raffle tickets. Here Carolyn won a four-pack of Bartel and Jaymes wine. She later traded it with her neighbor, Joan for a small tool set. Just perfect for the lady-of-the-house.
The brunch was nice and I got to have some peach champagne.

Friday, February 22, 2013
Lunch at Jack's House

Yesterday Carole D. and I had lunch at Jack's house. Here is a picture of him slaving over the kitchen stove, cooking spaghetti for us.

Charley hasn't fixed the brakes on his pickup yet, so he arrived for lunch on his tractor. Actually he can go pretty fast on it. Good thing. I think it's about 4 miles between his house and Jack's.
Charley is researching a story for the Winton Historical Society's newsletter, so I was anxious to hear about that.
I don't think I'm going to get it anytime soon.
I need to get stories/articles from people by March 15 for the newsletter. I have a couple of very small coupons that will expire by the end of March.
Next Thursday, February 28, the Thursday morning Bible Study group at the Atwater Methodist Church will begin studying Adam Hamilton's new book, "The Way" Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus. We will have the video to go along with the book, so it's going to be very interesting. Adam Hamilton had the video made on one of his trips to the Holy Land.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Annual Winter Tea
Today was the Methodist Women's annual Winter Tea at the Atwater Church.
This year all the ladies brought snacks, the women who hosted a table had much more to do, decorate their table, bring their fancy dishes, brew the tea, etc, etc.
We had the Filipino dancers for entertainment this year. In the picture above, the two kids are doing the Tinikling dance, also called the bamboo stick dance. It's very popular in the Philippines.
Click here to see the 24 pictures at flickr. It was a very enjoyable afternoon.
This year all the ladies brought snacks, the women who hosted a table had much more to do, decorate their table, bring their fancy dishes, brew the tea, etc, etc.
We had the Filipino dancers for entertainment this year. In the picture above, the two kids are doing the Tinikling dance, also called the bamboo stick dance. It's very popular in the Philippines.
Click here to see the 24 pictures at flickr. It was a very enjoyable afternoon.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Time To Prune
Here is one of my fruit trees that John Esau pruned for me last Saturday. This is Fantasia, a delicious yellow-fleshed Nectarine. If we don't have a hail storm like last year, I should get a decent crop this summer of all the fruits.
Still need to fertilize them, hopefully, Monday.
Still have the rose bushes to prune. Usually I do that in January, but I had a cold, so the roses had to wait.
I bought one more rose bush in Merced the other day. I can't believe I'm buying such old varities. "Montezuma" is at least 50 years old. My mother-in-law had that one in Le Grand. It was always a good one though. Guess I forgot to mention I bought a new rose in Turlock, "Drop Dead Red" the picture is very pretty.
So, that's all the room I have for roses. I never found the 4 varities of roses that I was looking for. Those were 4 of my favorites that I had in Merced. I should have taken cuttings of them the winter before "the move." I didn't plan that far ahead. Thought seriously about it in June and the house sold the next day.
Pruned two of the Butterfly Bushes today. It filled up the large green garbage can and most of the other can. I don't know how long I can keep the green can; the park only has a few of them and we have to share. Not many of us have a lot of pruning that we do ourselves. So we seem to get by with the few cans that we have.
Tomorrow afternoon is the Methodist women's annual Winter Tea. I had good intentions to bake the "Three Part Cookie" but decided that was too ambitious. Went to Save Mart and bought some Pepperidge Farm cookies. I hope someone besides me likes them. I hope I'm not the only one that brings something store-bought.
Our Thursday morning Bible Study group is going to read "The Way" by Adam Hamilton. We're almost through with our other book, "Growing Older and Wiser." I think "The Way" will be very interesting. It was written to read during Lent. I guess you don't have to read it then. But it's very appropriate to read before Easter. Following in the Footsteps of Jesus. Six chapters, 6 weeks to Easter.
Our little Thursday morning group is also a social group, so it may take us a little longer.
btw: All Adam Hamilton's books/materials are 40% off, plus free shipping until February 15 from Cokesbury. See the January 19 post for the link to Cokesbury. Don't forget to type in the Code AD13 to get the free shipping.
Still need to fertilize them, hopefully, Monday.
Still have the rose bushes to prune. Usually I do that in January, but I had a cold, so the roses had to wait.
I bought one more rose bush in Merced the other day. I can't believe I'm buying such old varities. "Montezuma" is at least 50 years old. My mother-in-law had that one in Le Grand. It was always a good one though. Guess I forgot to mention I bought a new rose in Turlock, "Drop Dead Red" the picture is very pretty.
So, that's all the room I have for roses. I never found the 4 varities of roses that I was looking for. Those were 4 of my favorites that I had in Merced. I should have taken cuttings of them the winter before "the move." I didn't plan that far ahead. Thought seriously about it in June and the house sold the next day.
Pruned two of the Butterfly Bushes today. It filled up the large green garbage can and most of the other can. I don't know how long I can keep the green can; the park only has a few of them and we have to share. Not many of us have a lot of pruning that we do ourselves. So we seem to get by with the few cans that we have.
Tomorrow afternoon is the Methodist women's annual Winter Tea. I had good intentions to bake the "Three Part Cookie" but decided that was too ambitious. Went to Save Mart and bought some Pepperidge Farm cookies. I hope someone besides me likes them. I hope I'm not the only one that brings something store-bought.
Our Thursday morning Bible Study group is going to read "The Way" by Adam Hamilton. We're almost through with our other book, "Growing Older and Wiser." I think "The Way" will be very interesting. It was written to read during Lent. I guess you don't have to read it then. But it's very appropriate to read before Easter. Following in the Footsteps of Jesus. Six chapters, 6 weeks to Easter.
Our little Thursday morning group is also a social group, so it may take us a little longer.
btw: All Adam Hamilton's books/materials are 40% off, plus free shipping until February 15 from Cokesbury. See the January 19 post for the link to Cokesbury. Don't forget to type in the Code AD13 to get the free shipping.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Fruit Trees are Pruned
Here's my Maggie, going to take a little nap. She is more spoiled than ever.
Today my favorite orchard man came over and pruned my fruit trees. They didn't need a lot of pruning, just kind of shaping them up. I was glad to hear that it's o.k. to plant flowers around the trees. I thought they would use too much of the fertilizer.
So, now I am excited about pruning the roses and deciding what I'm going to plant in the yard. I can't tell yet what will survive the low temperatures we had this winter.
I bought a new container of Round-Up the other day. This one is "extended" Round-Up. The saleman said it would kill the seeds as well as the weeds. I'll have to be careful where I use it. Definitely around the roses. I'm not going to plant anything else around the roses this year so I can get rid of the weeds!!!
Finally finished the January/February newsletter for the Winton Historical Society. They will go out Tuesday. Some of the members will meet late morning to fold them for mailing. Now it's time to start thinking about the next one. I hate to panic at the last minute. I'm hoping the people who said they are going to write a story will come through with it. If everyone sends in their story, it should almost fill the next issue.
Wouldn't that be wonderful. . . .
Today my favorite orchard man came over and pruned my fruit trees. They didn't need a lot of pruning, just kind of shaping them up. I was glad to hear that it's o.k. to plant flowers around the trees. I thought they would use too much of the fertilizer.
So, now I am excited about pruning the roses and deciding what I'm going to plant in the yard. I can't tell yet what will survive the low temperatures we had this winter.
I bought a new container of Round-Up the other day. This one is "extended" Round-Up. The saleman said it would kill the seeds as well as the weeds. I'll have to be careful where I use it. Definitely around the roses. I'm not going to plant anything else around the roses this year so I can get rid of the weeds!!!
Finally finished the January/February newsletter for the Winton Historical Society. They will go out Tuesday. Some of the members will meet late morning to fold them for mailing. Now it's time to start thinking about the next one. I hate to panic at the last minute. I'm hoping the people who said they are going to write a story will come through with it. If everyone sends in their story, it should almost fill the next issue.
Wouldn't that be wonderful. . . .
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Inaugural National Prayer Service
I just read that Adam Hamilton is to preach at the Inaugural National Prayer Service this Tuesday, January 22. Eastern time is 10:30 to Noon.
I have 11 of his books, so I want to be sure and watch this.
Adam Hamilton, is the senior pastor of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, where he preaches to more than 8,000 per week. Adam writes and teaches on life’s tough questions, the doubts with which we all wrestle, and the challenging issues we face today.
See his website here. At the bottom of the page, click on "blog" and read his posts. I especially like the one where he doesn't agree that "everything happens for a reason."
There is also an article about Adam Hamilton at Wikipedia.
Two of his books are at the Atwater Library, but at least 5 more were donated to the library last spring, but they have not been processed yet.
Listen to Adam Hamilton's message and if you like it, request the Adam Hamilton books at the library and maybe they will find the time to process the rest of them. It was requested that the books be shelved in the Atwater branch library.
His books can be purchased at Cokesbury and also at Amazon. Do a search for Adam Hamilton.
The titles donated to the library are:
"Why? Making Sense of God’s Will"
"When Christians Get it Wrong"
"Final Words: From the Cross"
"Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White: Thoughts on Religion, Morality"
"The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem"
"24 Hours That Changed the World" (Leading up to Easter)
"Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity"
And maybe a couple more.
I have the latest books he published:
"Christianity’s Family Tree: What Other Christians Believe and Why"
"Forgiveness: Finding Peace Through Letting Go" and
"The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus"
Adam Hamilton is an excellent writer. He has been to the Holy Lands where he has researched his subjects.
I have 11 of his books, so I want to be sure and watch this.
Adam Hamilton, is the senior pastor of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, where he preaches to more than 8,000 per week. Adam writes and teaches on life’s tough questions, the doubts with which we all wrestle, and the challenging issues we face today.
See his website here. At the bottom of the page, click on "blog" and read his posts. I especially like the one where he doesn't agree that "everything happens for a reason."
There is also an article about Adam Hamilton at Wikipedia.
Two of his books are at the Atwater Library, but at least 5 more were donated to the library last spring, but they have not been processed yet.
Listen to Adam Hamilton's message and if you like it, request the Adam Hamilton books at the library and maybe they will find the time to process the rest of them. It was requested that the books be shelved in the Atwater branch library.
His books can be purchased at Cokesbury and also at Amazon. Do a search for Adam Hamilton.
The titles donated to the library are:
"Why? Making Sense of God’s Will"
"When Christians Get it Wrong"
"Final Words: From the Cross"
"Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White: Thoughts on Religion, Morality"
"The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem"
"24 Hours That Changed the World" (Leading up to Easter)
"Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity"
And maybe a couple more.
I have the latest books he published:
"Christianity’s Family Tree: What Other Christians Believe and Why"
"Forgiveness: Finding Peace Through Letting Go" and
"The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus"
Adam Hamilton is an excellent writer. He has been to the Holy Lands where he has researched his subjects.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Oh, Bummer!! I caught a cold Thursday night and wasn't able to help with the estate sale with the Atwater Methodist people. That was disappointing. Missed church this morning and decided to cancel my appointment with my reflexologist tomorrow morning.
I've been staying inside and trying to keep warm. Maggie the cat and I have taken lots of catnaps. She's become quite a lap-kitty.
I'm thinking I'll have to miss Bible Study tomorrow night also. It will probably be cold at night again.
I have two lunches to go to this week, so I gotta get rid of this head cold.
Last week I went to the Winton Cemetery to get more information for an article I'm writing for the Winton Historical Society's newsletter. While there I took more pictures of tombstones. There are now 964 photos at flickr.
I didn't notice this bench before in the Cypress Gardens area. Looks like a good place to sit and rest awhile. I'm hoping to take more tombstone pictures before the month is over. I'd like to have 1,000 uploaded. Maybe the weather will warm up a little.
I've been staying inside and trying to keep warm. Maggie the cat and I have taken lots of catnaps. She's become quite a lap-kitty.
I'm thinking I'll have to miss Bible Study tomorrow night also. It will probably be cold at night again.
I have two lunches to go to this week, so I gotta get rid of this head cold.
Last week I went to the Winton Cemetery to get more information for an article I'm writing for the Winton Historical Society's newsletter. While there I took more pictures of tombstones. There are now 964 photos at flickr.
I didn't notice this bench before in the Cypress Gardens area. Looks like a good place to sit and rest awhile. I'm hoping to take more tombstone pictures before the month is over. I'd like to have 1,000 uploaded. Maybe the weather will warm up a little.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Monday Nights
The Monday night Bible Study group started a new series last night. We are studying the book of Hebrews. Last night was the introduction; asking the questions: when was it written, who wrote it and who was the intended audience?
I'm guessing there were 30-35 people in attendance. Everyone brought a Bible and there were several (maybe many) different versions. The people had different answers to the questions. The date it was written varied from 62 AD to 80 AD. In reading parts of the texts, we knew it was written before 70 AD, when the Jewish Temple was destroyed. The best estimate was 68 AD.
The most intriguing question was who wrote the book. One person said Paul; but Paul always indentified himself in his letters to the various churches. My NIV Study Bible said possibly Apollos or Barnabas. Another name came up. Priscilla.
I thought where did that name come from? Flipping back to Acts, and reading chapter 18, we see how knowledgeable Priscilla was. It was fasinating to read that in the beginning of the chapter, her husband Aquila is listed first, but by verse 18, Priscilla is written before her husband's. This was quite surprising to me. Our leader pointed out the significance of that.
But another surprise; the lady sitting next to me had a King James Bible. It never listed Priscilla's name before her husband's. The man to my right had a Living Bible. I don't know how it was written there.
The bottom line is --- I was in for a big surprise, I didn't expect the Book of Hebrews to be so interesting. Of course you have to have a knowledgeable leader to make it so.
Pastor Gregory Floyd is doing an excellent job of that.
I'm guessing there were 30-35 people in attendance. Everyone brought a Bible and there were several (maybe many) different versions. The people had different answers to the questions. The date it was written varied from 62 AD to 80 AD. In reading parts of the texts, we knew it was written before 70 AD, when the Jewish Temple was destroyed. The best estimate was 68 AD.
The most intriguing question was who wrote the book. One person said Paul; but Paul always indentified himself in his letters to the various churches. My NIV Study Bible said possibly Apollos or Barnabas. Another name came up. Priscilla.
I thought where did that name come from? Flipping back to Acts, and reading chapter 18, we see how knowledgeable Priscilla was. It was fasinating to read that in the beginning of the chapter, her husband Aquila is listed first, but by verse 18, Priscilla is written before her husband's. This was quite surprising to me. Our leader pointed out the significance of that.
But another surprise; the lady sitting next to me had a King James Bible. It never listed Priscilla's name before her husband's. The man to my right had a Living Bible. I don't know how it was written there.
The bottom line is --- I was in for a big surprise, I didn't expect the Book of Hebrews to be so interesting. Of course you have to have a knowledgeable leader to make it so.
Pastor Gregory Floyd is doing an excellent job of that.
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