Saturday, March 9, 2013

Is It Spring Yet?

Tonight we are going to "spring forward" by setting our clocks one hour ahead. Already. It seems early this year.
The fruit trees are in bloom. Pictured is the Fantasia Nectarine. I guess it's my favorite tree in the backyard.
The Tilton Apricot tree has a few sparse blooms on it, which is much better than last year. Last year it had one or two flowers, but no fruit. I hope to get at least a few apricots this year. There might be some blooms up high in the tree later on. Looks like some might still pop out.
The cherry trees are not blooming yet. They are the last to bloom and first to ripen. Sure hoping for a good crop.

The Thursday morning Bible Study group is studying Adam Hamilton's newest book, "The Way, Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus." Our pastor ordered the video, so that is an added bonus to reading the book. We read one chapter a week. It's interesting and I don't want to miss going and miss out on the video. There are six chapters and we will read chapter 3 this week. So, we will go a little beyond Easter with the book.
But that's O.K.

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