Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fall is Here

The Winton Old Timers reunion has come and gone. We had a total of 200 attend this year. Down from prior years, but still everyone seemed to enjoy it.
Pictured above are the 90+ guests; from the left: Gene Hill, Clifford Jantz, Edna Jantz, Curtis Jantz (Edna's husband), Wilma Arnold, Leona Eason and Elsie Koehn.
Leona is 102 this year and was again the oldest one in attendance. She is doing great!
I got a chance to take a few pictures, but still I missed some people I would have liked to have a picture of. A few people came late.
I finally got the September/October newsletter printed. We have one long story in it this time.
Maybe our members will decide to send in their memories now. They can see that we're having a hard time filling the pages. The long story is interesting to me and I hope to a lot of others. If not, I'll probably hear about it.
Two weeks ago I traded in my 2001 red Dodge Stratus for a 2013 Toyota Prius. I really like the way the new car drives. It gets good gas mileage, today when I got home from church it said I got 58+ miles per gallon. I guess that 10.4 gallon tank full of gas will last a long time. Especially when I just drive around Atwater. Then it runs off the large battery a lot. The large battery is under warranty for ten years. The rest of the car for 2 years.
Tomorrow my sister and I have appointments in Turlock. We go every month so our reflexologist can keep our blood flowing!! lol
The Atwater United Methodist Church had an Estate Sale in Ballico a couple of weeks ago. It was out in the country, so didn't get as much traffic as we usually do, but we did o.k. It was fun. Another lady and I were the cashiers and when we weren't busy, we did a lot of visiting. The time went fast and we had a very enjoyable time.

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