Friday, June 20, 2008

First Day of Summer

Today is the first day of summer and I had my first peach, picked from the Flavorcrest tree, shown here in the picture. I am kind of bummed out!!
I DIDN'T THIN THEM ENOUGH!! Darn! I'm going to have these small peaches this year from my favorite tree. You can't see it in the picture, but the large branch on the left, goes out and is horizonal and loaded with peaches. I hope it doesn't break off. The second picture is also Flavorcrest, showing the large crop of peaches.
So, what did I do? I took my long-handled rake and knocked peaches off the later trees. I was mad and ruthless. I just hope the peaches left on the trees are not bruised.

That reminds me of the joke that was going around, about the man who painted the church, but being greedy, he thinned the paint to make it go farther. And when the rains came, the paint was washed off the church. In anguish, the man cried out, "God what should I do?" A voice from above said, "Repaint, Repaint and Thin No More."
Next year, my battle cry will be the opposite -- Repeat, Repeat and Thin Some More!

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