Monday, June 23, 2008

Cherry Jam

I finished the second batch of cherry jam today. It was much easier than the first batch.
I used a paring knife to remove the pits last week. What a mess! Red cherry juice ran down my arms and off my elbows. I looked like I got the worst end of a serious fight.
I ordered a cherry pitter from Amazon after searching the local stores and not finding any. The one I bought is made by OXO. It's really neat, the work goes much faster and is not messy.
I tried making the cherry fruit leather, but I had too many cherries pitted. It was only supposed to be 1/8 inch thick on the cookie sheet, but I think it was more than that. Oh well, I guess I can always make jam out of it. I had some on a pancake tonight. Very good.
I'll try the fruit leather again when the apricots are ripe.

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