Saturday, July 11, 2009


I finally tried that recipe for Cole Slaw that is supposed to taste just like KFC's. I went to Raley's to buy the Tarragon Vinegar that I couldn't find at Save Mart. Also bought Miracle Whip for the recipe, which I never use.
I had visions of doing a 'blind test' by buying some of the Real Thing and letting people have a taste of each.
Well, that wasn't necessary!! It just doesn't taste the same. I think I am through buying ingredients I don't usually use just to try out a new recipe.
Good news though, we now have 350 recipes!! Only 150 more to reach our goal. But if we go over that, so much the better!! No, I didn't submit the Cole Slaw recipe.
We're a little heavy on the sweets, but don't let that stop you from submitting your favorite dessert or candy recipe.

Another Finally here!! Maggie's litter box is no longer in my bathroom. I had cat doors installed about a year and a half ago, so I could put the litter box in the garage. I kept putting it off, thinking Maggie might forget where I moved it to and would go somewhere else in the house.
Then, one day I noticed she wasn't using the litter box any more. She prefers to go outside!! Wow! what an opportunity. I put the litter box in the garage and she still doesn't use it. Hooray!
She's a great cat! Here she is, in a playful mood.

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