Friday, September 11, 2009

"Grandma" file

Yesterday my exciting mail was the cookbook kit from the publisher.
Today my exciting mail is the "Grandma 6" file of 1,107,275 individuals of Mennonite ancestry from the California Mennonite Historical Society in Fresno.
People on the database are those who can trace their ancestors back to the Mennonite churches in Russia or Prussia.
They have one of my lines going back to the 1500s in Holland.
Very interesting to browse through and see who is related to whom.
If you have a Mennonite background, you may want to check it out. You can build your family tree in no time at all. They get their information from church records, census records, obituaries, information from genealogists and other sources. They are very careful and are checking and rechecking information all the time.
Click on this link to their website.
The above picture is the monument to Menno Simons in Witmarsum in the Friesland area of the Netherlands. Menno Simons was born in Witmarsum in January of 1496 and was a Catholic priest there in his early years. He later questioned their teachings and and was one of the early Anabaptists. His followers became known as Mennonites.
To learn more about Menno Simons, go to Wikipedia.

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