Thursday, March 26, 2009

This and That

My sisters and I visited with another neighbor from the past and scanned lots of pictures. This is so much fun. The pictures and stories are for the next history book of Winton. I'm glad to have an excuse to call up people and ask to come over and look at their pictures. lol. What excuse will I have when the book is done?
Well, I am still editor of the Winton Hometown News, don't know how many pictures I'll get to look at when wearing that hat, but we'll see.

Had my car checked over recently. Had to get a set of tires for it. They were all original and the car is a 2001. Only have 33,000 miles on the car, so the tread was o.k., but the tires were just too old. Better safe than sorry. Might have to think of someplace to go now.
The backyard will get worked on again this Saturday. The gardener and I will go over the plans and decide on what to do this spring to make it easier to care for.
Can't wait for the changes. Here is a picture of Maggie, she always wants to be right in the middle of things.
Last week I uploaded another 20 pictures of tombstones taken at the Winton Cemetery, add that to the 16 I uploaded before that, so that makes 36 I am hoping to see online soon. I know they need more volunteers. If this is something you are interested in, go to their website and volunteer. They will be glad you did.
I'm almost finished scanning the obits I borrowed from my cousin, then I'll have to look in the filing cabinet and find the ones I saved that I want to scan. These are all from the newspapers. I also borrowed a lot of OLD Messengers in Truth newsletters from my sister to scan some of the obituaries. When I am through, I will put them on a CD. Boy, I need to think up more projects for myself. LOL.
Have you sent in your favorite recipes yet for the Winton Centennial Cookbook? Don't forget!! You can email them to

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