Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Winton Historical Society 2009

Today was the first Tuesday in January. First Tuesdays of the month are meeting days for the Winton Historical Society. Pictured are the ones in attendance today, the group was a little smaller than usual. Seated are: Carol B.; Rosalie, President; Agnes L. Standing: Lorraine, Ervin, Andrea, Avanell, Wilene, Carolyn and Grace.
Andrea surprised us with the news that she is no longer able to serve as editor. She has been the editor of our newsletter from the beginning, a little over four years and has done a wonderful job, but today she was looking for a volunteer to take her place. So,I spoke up right away and "volunteered" my sister Carolyn. I think we were all relieved that she decided she would tackle the job. I know she will be good at it. She knows a lot of people from Winton. Leanna writes an article for each issue, which has been very popular with our readers.
The newsletter is sent out each quarter; the next one is due out in March.
Annual membership dues are $10.00 for an individual; or $15.00 per family household.
Mailing address is: Winton Historical Society, PO Box 554, Winton, CA 95388. Annual dues go from October 1 (2008) through September 30 (2009). The timing of the dues correspond to the Old Timers Reunion which is held the last Sunday in September of each year. Many of our members attend the Old Timers Reunion.
If you would like to attend our meetings, they are held in the Community Law Enforcement Office (C.L.E.O.), 6584 North Winton Way, Winton. Located in the shopping center south of the Santa Fe RR tracks; across the parking lot from Pizza + Fun. Anyone interested in the history of Winton is welcome to attend.

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