Thursday, June 25, 2009


Hi, My name is Maggie. I love my home. Sure it's messy, but I don't mind, just keep that canned cat food coming. If she doesn't get it for me quick enough, I bite her on the arm, just to show her I want it NOW!!
Yeah, yeah, I know, she rescued me from the Animal Shelter. But that was 2 years ago. Do I have to be grateful the rest of my life? And I do give her a warning before I bite. First, I am very loving and if she doesn't take the hint, then I put one paw on top of her arm and the other under; look her in the eyes and Chomp!! I usually draw blood. But she needs to pay attention.

She's usually pretty good to me. We play and sometimes I get a little rough with her, but hey, that's part of the game.
In the mornings, I like to wake her up by pouncing on her feet.
That makes her hollar, so I jump down and wait for her to get up already!

I have my own little doors, so I can come and go as I please, but sometimes I stand by the big door and wait for her to let me out.

I'm a great hunter, but I don't think she really appreciates that.
One day I brought this big Blue Jay in through my little doors when she wasn't home.
It was hard, getting us both through the smaller door and then after I got it inside, somehow the bird got away from me.
Boy, my mama was excited when she came home and found the bird flying around in the bathroom.
The stupid bird-brain thought he could get out through the skylight.
Of course I just sat there, pretending to be innocent.
She never catches on. I'm too smart for her.

Here I am, trying to take my mid-day nap on the couch.

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