Sunday, April 27, 2008

Iris Gardens

My sisters and I went to Catheys Valley yesterday to tour the Superstition Iris Gardens. We had planned this a couple of weeks ago and then the very day we were going, the Merced Sun-Star had a nice big article about them. One co-owner is a Master Judge for the AIS and has introduced many Irises of his own. The article included lots of good information about growing Irises, such as don't plant them too deep or they won't bloom. They like full sun, but can handle as little as one-half day of sunshine. They hate to have their feet wet, treat them more like cactus than a house plant, planting in well-drained soil, on a slope or in raised beds.
I had a short list with me of named Irises I used to have, but with 60,000 named varities world-wide, it's no wonder I didn't find those particular ones. We walked up one row and down another, trying to decide which ones to order. So many to choose from. . . it got confusing, so I decided to come home and look at their 1,250 Iris photos online to make up my mind.
To see their online photos, go to:

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